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  • Become a Money Type Assessment Coach You will be able to debrief the Money Type Assessment Report to your clients with the certification.  You can help the clients to understand their thought, emotions, and actions orientation toward money, thus building an enhanced strategy for financial fitness.
  • This Powerful Six Week Process Is A Low Cost Alternative To Individual Money Coaching Sessions.
  • Become a Financial Therapist

    CFT-ITM certification provides education and training that learners can use to apply research and evidence-based therapeutic techniques to help clients, advance the field of financial therapy, and engage with other practitioners. Through our video series and certification process, candidates will gain invaluable therapeutic and financial knowledge that they can apply to their practice.

  • You started your business with a vision, ambition, and a desire to BE SUCCESS

    An outlet where you could utilize your unique strengths and passions. One where you could be your authentic self and grow something that was yours which could provide an abundant and balanced life for you and your family.

    So why do you feel like you’re stagnating?

    Do you find yourself wondering why others seem to have it all and make it look so easy?  Are you working harder, longer hours, making more money but never really seeing the bottom line improve? Do you feel…
    • Exhausted because you are the only one running the show and you feel stuck in a cycle of working longer hours to make more money.
    • Overwhelmed with your ever-expanding TO-DO list, including reconciling your business transactions, invoicing clients, or even paying for significant home expenses.
    • Afraid of spending money to grow because you don’t know what your business needs and how you can afford it.
    • Frustrated that after paying everyone for everything, you don’t know how you can pay yourself, so you keep using your business to pay for personal items?
    • Defeated that despite people loving what your business offers, you don’t seem to see your business and personal bank accounts grow.
    • Confused with where the money comes and goes. How much should be reserved for tax purposes? How much is safe to take home?
  • Money dynamics begin to develop in couples based upon their individual relationships with money. Join M3 for 6 sessions of couples coaching.
  • Learning about the eight money archetypes is a dynamic and exciting way to shed light on your underlying patterns and behaviours around money.
  • Sale!

    Workplace Money Circle

    Original price was: $988.00.Current price is: $688.00.
    This Powerful Six Week Process Is A Low Cost Alternative To Individual Money Coaching Sessions.


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