[:en]Money types represent archetypal patterns and behaviors that influence our daily decisions and emotions around money at an unconscious level.[:zh]金钱类型代表了原型模式和行为,这些模式和行为在潜意识层面上影响着我们的日常决策和对金钱的情绪。[:]
[:en]Money types represent archetypal patterns and behaviors that influence our daily decisions and emotions around money at an unconscious level.[:zh]金钱类型代表了原型模式和行为,这些模式和行为在潜意识层面上影响着我们的日常决策和对金钱的情绪。[:]
[:en]If one too many surprising holiday credit card charges has you sweating, it’s time for a chat with your spouse.[:zh]如果你在假期刷了太多令人惊讶的信用卡,让你汗流浃背,是时候和你的配偶谈谈了。[:]
“Yes, I paid that bill.” There are two primary reasons why people hide money moves from their significant other.
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